Zoobot Documentation#

Zoobot makes it easy to finetune a state-of-the-art deep learning classifier to solve your galaxy morphology problem. For example, you can finetune a classifier to find ring galaxies with just a few hundred examples.

Ring galaxies found using Zoobot

Ring galaxies found using Zoobot and 212 labelled examples.#

The easiest way to learn to use Zoobot is simply to use Zoobot. We suggest you start with our worked examples.

  • This Colab notebook will walk you through using Zoobot to classify galaxy images.

  • There’s a similar notebook for using Zoobot for regression on galaxy images.

For more explanation, read on.

User Guides#

These introductory guides add context to the demo Colab notebooks.

These advanced guides explain how to integrate Zoobot into other ML projects.

Pretrained Models#

To choose and download a pretrained model, see here.

Science-Ready Data#

You can find our science outputs (e.g. morphology catalogs, precalculated representations) here.

We are working on releasing the compiled GZ Evo dataset and will update this page when it is available. Estimated public release is Q4 2024. Please reach out if you’d like early access.

API reference#

We’ve added docstrings to all the key methods you might use. Feel free to check the code or reach out if you have questions.