
Galaxy Zoo answers the most common morphology questions: does this galaxy have spiral arms, is it merging, etc. But what if you want to answer a different question?

You can finetune our automated classifier to solve new tasks on new galaxy images.

Zoobot has been trained to simultaneously answer all of the Galaxy Zoo questions. This provides a good starting point to be taught other morphology-related tasks using very little new data.

The high-level approach is:

  1. Load the trained model, replacing the head (output layers) to match your task

  2. Retrain the model on your new task, typically with a low learning rate outside the new head

You will likely only need a small amount of labelled images; a few hundred is a good starting point. Retraining (finetuning) this model requires much less time and labels than starting from scratch.


If you do want to start from scratch, Zoobot can do that as well - see zoobot/benchmarks. But we provide many pretrained models so hopefully you won’t need to.


Zoobot includes many working examples of finetuning:

Below, for less familiar readers, we walk through the example in detail.


Fine-tuning, also known as transfer learning, is when a model trained on one task is partially retrained for use on another related task. This can drastically reduce the amount of labelled data needed. For a general introduction, see this excellent blog post.

Here, we will finetune a pretrained Zoobot model to find ringed galaxies.

Load Pretrained Model#

Neural networks, like any statistical model, are trained by fitting their free parameters to data. The free parameters in neural networks are called weights. When we load a network, we are reading the fitted values of the weights from a file saved on disk. These files are called checkpoints (like video game save files - computer scientists are nerds too). loads the weights of a pretrained Zoobot model from a checkpoint file:

model = finetune.FinetuneableZoobotClassifier(
  name='hf_hub:mwalmsley/zoobot-encoder-convnext_nano',  # which pretrained model to download

You can see the list of pretrained models at Pretrained Models.

What about the other arguments? When loading the checkpoint, FinetuneableZoobotClassifier will automatically change the head layer to suit a classification problem (hence, Classifier). num_classes=2 specifies how many classes we have, Here, two classes (a.k.a. binary classification). n_layers=0 specifies how many layers (other than the output layer) we want to finetune. 0 indicates no other layers, so we will only be changing the weights of the output layer.

Prepare Galaxy Data#

We will also need some galaxy images.

data_dir = '/Users/user/repos/galaxy-datasets/roots/demo_rings'
train_catalog, _ = demo_rings(root=data_dir, download=True, train=True)

This downloads the demo rings dataset. train_catalog is a table of galaxies with three crucial columns.

  • id_str, any string uniquely identifying each galaxy

  • file_loc, a path to the image (jpg, png, or fits) containing the galaxy

  • ring, the label (either 0 or 1)

Then we can use GalaxyDataModule to tell PyTorch to load the images and labels in this catalog:

datamodule = GalaxyDataModule(

label_cols specifies which columns are the labels to predict. It must be a list. In a more complicated example, we might predict the labels in many columns at once. Here, there’s only one label column, but it should still be a list.

batch_size=32 specifies how many images to show to the network in one go. If your computer throws out-of-memory errors, you may need to reduce this. If training is very slow, you can increase this.

GalaxyDataModule has many other options for specifying how to transform the images before passing them to the network (“augmentations”) See the code (in another repo).

Run the Finetuning#

Now we have loaded our pretrained model (with a new automatically-replaced head) and specified our data, we are ready to run the finetuning.

trainer = finetune.get_trainer(save_dir, accelerator='cpu', max_epochs=100)

The trainer object is used to specify how I would like my model to be trained. Here, I want to train with a CPU for up to 100 epochs (stopping early if the validation loss stops improving). For more options, see the docstring:

Then we use it to fit our pretrained model:, datamodule)

This uses the AdamW optimizer and the cross-entropy loss. Other types of problem will need different losses. FinetuneableZoobotTree has a loss designed for GZ-style decision trees.

model has now been fit to the training data. You can use it to make new predictions - see the full example for more.

The new weights, including the new head, have been saved to save_dir. You can load them at any time to make predictions later.

finetuned_model = finetune.FinetuneableZoobotClassifier.load_from_checkpoint(best_checkpoint)

Now go do some science!